Trailer Trash Talk: Kathryn Bigelow's "Detroit" (August 2017)
I have some problems with this.
First, why is this movie simply named Detroit? So, you're going to name a movie about race riots that occurred 50 years ago in the city of Detroit simply Detroit? Nice way to A) be lazy and B) blacken an eye.
This film does look like it could have some potential and reminds me of Assault on Precinct 13 meets Mississippi Burning. But it also seems awfully opportunistic (50th anniversary of the riots) and set as shameless Oscar bait. It doesn't seem to have much creative juice or visual flair -- honestly it looks very Lifetime movie filtered -- instead of having the thrilling intensity director Bigelow delivered in The Hurt Locker.
This is one of two high-profile releases (the other being The Circle) that John Bonyega is starring in this year following his breakthrough in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and both films appear to have script problems and destined to be box office duds. As Johnny Rotten once sang "I could be wrong, I could be right."
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